

Presenting a new team member

(last update 3 years ago)

Stereoscape continues to grow. Working on the forefront of new technology today a lot of our customer cases include new R&D challenges. Therefore we are strengthening our research and development team with new Development Director, Matti Gröhn.

Matti has a solid scientific background in interactive digital media, a D.Sc. (Tech.) degree from Helsinki University of Technology, and an endless intellectual curiosity. “My dissertation in 2006 was about Application of Spatial Sound Reproduction in Virtual Environments but throughout the years my research has been dealing with topics related to cognitive ergonomics, visualisation, and virtual reality. I have always been attracted to “future technology” and finding out ways to do things that were never done before.”

As Development Director in Stereoscape Matti will be in charge of the VARPU project as well as participating in our other research projects and acting as the technical support to our sales team.

Digitalisation and the development of VR, AR and MR is important for the Finnish economy and its ability to compete in the global market. “It seems to me that finally the technological development has reached the stage where it is actually possible to do the things that we talked about in research 15 years ago. That’s why I’m so excited to join the Stereoscape team that is doing exactly the right things; creating solutions for real world problems – for real companies at the core of our nation’s competitiveness. ”, says Matti who in his free time enjoys making music and biking.

We are happy to welcome Matti to the Stereoscape orchestra!

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