

VR-in-a-Box – a full virtual reality set-up quick and easy

(last update 2 years ago)

During this fall the interest in VR solutions has skyrocketed and our team has been busy with VR demos in trade shows and events around Finland. For quick and easy take-offs our Technical Specialist Petteri Bondsdorff developed a portable VR-in-a-Box –solution.

VR-in-a-Box allows a quick and easy set-up for virtual reality experiences whenever, wherever. Everything needed to create an immersive VR experience (laptop, cables, batteries, headsets, and controllers) comes neatly packed in just one single heavy-duty box. Picking up the equipment one by one and setting it up goes fast and is simple enough so no specific technical expertise is required from the person doing it.

Originally created for Stereoscape’s internal use the VR-in-a-Box is also an ideal solution for companies and events wishing offer immersive virtual reality experiences. The VR content can be our ready-made content or customized with company logos, locations etc.

VR-in-a-Box – a full virtual reality set-up quick and easy

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