

Stereoscape´s Virtual Reality day – 5 August 2015

(last update 9 years ago)

Stereoscape organised a virtual reality day at our showroom on the 5th of August in co-operation with the virtual reality expert WorldViz. At the event visitors could experience a new kind of immersive, wide-area, virtual reality experience. Here at Stereoscape we have partnered with the international virtual reality expert WorldViz in order to bring turnkey virtual reality solutions to Finland and the other Nordic countries. WorldViz is the industry leader in turnkey interactive visualisation and simulation solutions, providing world-leading virtual reality expertise and unparalleled immersive visualisation experiences.

“The business value of virtual reality is enormous and it creates new possibilities and benefits for product development, design reviews, maintenance and safety training, customer representations, sales events and so on and so forth. The huge advantage of virtual reality over all other types of visualization is the immersion and full-scale models. Using virtual reality in the design and development process can greatly improve and therefore shorten processes. It can help teams consisting of different people to communicate on the same level. This will save time and money” – Sandra Bergmeir, WorldViz.

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