

Stereoscape showroom – in a league of its own

(last update 2 years ago)

In presenting devices, tools and cases for smart product communication the Stereoscape showroom is in a league of its own in Finland. The showroom – located in connection to our office – exhibits a wealth of coolest content and latest innovative displays for:

  • Interactive and visual storytelling
  • Augmented Reality
  • Virtual Reality
  • Web applications based on HTML5
  • Mobile and touch
  • Stunning 3D animations

If you want to know what smart product communication is all about, we’ll show you for example how data from CAD models is transformed to visually stunning interactive product presentations. We also have Hololens and DAQRI smart helmet for you to test; experiencing VR and AR is the only way to understand their potential!

Book your visit or give us a call to see how your products could be communicated the way they deserve!

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