

Stereoscape in the FLUX Innovation Lounge in London

(last update 2 years ago)

Stereoscape has teamed up with Flux LDN – an innovation lounge in London for emerging interactive technologies. The partnership was launched by presenting Stereoscape´s interactive retail solution RFID iScape in co-operation with Suunto Watches and iFace Digital Mirror from CloudCasting.

RFID iScape is an “intelligent shelf” which turns physical products – cosmetics, clothing, toys, packaged foods etc. – into interactive product stories with the help of RFID tags attached to the products. When customers interact with a product the RFID sensors trigger a nearby digital screen to display videos, images, reviews, usage tips and other content related to the selected product. At the same time the RIFD iScape solution generates a wealth of useful data on customers and their behaviour, including gender, age group, item picked and time viewed.

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