

Stereoscape collaborates with Fortum in creating AR for industry

(last update 2 years ago)

Heads-up and hands-free, guided maintenance and remote experts, training in real like situations but with no risk and no downtime. Cost savings stemming from fewer errors, time savings stemming from improved performance, and improved safety and faster operations resulting from more efficient learning. For industries AR promises big benefits.

However, the industrial environment also introduces its own set of challenges in developing applications that make all the promises come true. For the hardware alone there are questions relating to battery life, connectivity, field of view, safety and the overall robustness of the devices to suit the industrial environment. The software, in turn, should stand up to the requirements for industry use in regards of reliability and security. The content should be intuitive, easy to use, and easily accessible.

These are the challenges Fortum and Stereoscape are trying to tackle together when developing applications for field operators’ work and training with AR.

The co-operation is part of the VARPU project, a large project on applications of VR and AR in industry.

For more information, contact us.

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