

Stereoscape collaborated with Valmet in a mixed reality demo

(last update 2 years ago)

Stereoscape participated in “Kampusklubi” VR -event in Tampere on October 14th. The event was probably the biggest of it’s kind in Finland with 30 Finnish companies presenting their VR solutions and demos.

The popular VR -event drew large public and media attendance. The demo that drew the most attention was a mixed reality solution presented by Valmet presenting their latest achievements in bringing together the Internet of Things and virtual reality with HTC Vive head-mounted displays and mixed reality solution with Microsoft HoloLenses. The demo where a VR model of a boiler was combined with data streams from existing systems was created in collaboration with Stereoscape.

Stereoscape provided Valmet with technology consultancy, virtual reality software and software development support using Vizard VR development platform from our partner WorldViz.

Mixed reality that blends real world objects with digital content, interactively, and in real time holds huge potential for companies. The strong interest directed to Valmet’s demo is yet another proof of the potential that lies in mixed reality solutions, solutions that combine the best aspects of both augmented reality and virtual reality.

A more detailed description of our collaboration with Valmet in this groundbreaking demo will be published later on our web-page.

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