

Stereoscape at Nordic Digital Business Summit on 2016

(last update 2 years ago)

Virtual reality is a digital environment that creates a strong sense of immersion. The recent interest in virtual reality has been more about technology and new product launches for consumer use. However, the use of virtual reality goes well beyond gaming and entertainment. The use cases for virtual reality in professional use range from marketing and sales to training, design, research and many other applications across industries. With virtual reality solutions, companies can design, test, develop, and train complex engineering and other structures even before they exist. VR solutions are now available for companies of any size and industry.

Our partner WorldViz is the industry leader for virtual reality solutions for professional applications. Our team are also experts in using Unity for creating customer applications,” says Heli Nelimarkka, CEO of Stereoscape. “The versatile competences in our virtual reality team, together with our strong partner network, make us a good companion for companies wanting to explore the numerous possibilities and benefits of virtual reality.”

Stereoscape demonstrates the possibilities of virtual reality at Nordic Digital Business Summit with partner solutions and HTC Vive equipment.

For more information contact:

Heli Nelimarkka, CEO

[email protected]

+358 (0)45 671 4474

About Stereoscape:

Stereoscape delivers end-to-end solutions for high-impact digital product communication.

The interactive and visually powerful 3D, virtual reality and augmented reality solutions drive compelling product experiences and save time, space and money by replacing physical with virtual.

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