

Presenting new team member Ferhat Sen, Stereoscape’s new CTO

(last update 3 years ago)

Steroscape’s new CTO Ferhat Sen joined the team in August 2016. Ferhat brings to Stereoscape team his extensive experience in design and technology, digital content production, augmented reality and virtual reality. At Stereoscape, he will be in charge of developing the interactive 3D, AR and VR technologies and solutions as well as strengthening the company’s technology partner network. Ferhat also leads the R&D at Stereoscape.

Ferhat holds a BSc in Mechanical Engineering and a master’s degree in Visual Communication Design. He has also studied directing at UCLA and worked as video editor, UX designer, technical advisor and director in Turkey, Finland and the USA. He is currently working on his doctoral dissertation in New Media at Aalto University Media Lab.


Ferhat Sen Chief Technology OfficerStereoscape

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