

On-the-go VR – New solutions for seated & standing virtual reality

(last update 2 years ago)

Our virtual reality offering expands with new systems for seated & standing VR from our partner WorldViz. The latest extensions to the VizMove product line are also available as portable options. You can now take your VR case along to a sales meeting or trade show and immerse your clients in a stunning virtual world showcasing your brand and products. The custom-built VR cases lend themselves well to both domestic and international travel.

WorldViz is the world leader in innovative enterprise-level VR solutions. The company is funded by Intel Capital and was recently selected among the 13 most interesting VR companies in the world.

Stereoscape represents WorldViz in the Nordic countries. With our wide VR capabilities and integration expertise, we take care of your entire VR project. Book your VIP demo in our showroom to get inspired and to find out how you can best benefit from VR in your business.

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