

Interactive transparent OLED display added to Stereoscape showroom

(last update 2 years ago)

We continue to update our showroom with the latest interactive visualisation technologies. Planar® LookThru™ Transparent OLED display represents the state of the art in transparent displays from a pioneer in the industry. OLED technology makes it possible to create truly see-through installations, and with integrated multitouch interactivity, you can connect and communicate with your audience in entirely new and powerful ways.

Transparent displays allow you to digitally augment the real world to create compelling experiences that blur the lines between the digital and physical. Your audience can watch dynamic digital content on a transparent glass screen, while being able to see real-world scenes and objects behind the display. With the real world as a canvas for your digital content, you can showcase products, share information, tell brand and other stories and drive engagement like never before.

Book a visit to our showroom to test drive the innovative Planar technology and discuss the wide-ranging opportunities of interactive visualisation on the revolutionary transparent display.

Stereoscape is an expert in connecting the physical and digital in visually impressive, interactive experiences that engage, inform and allow you to communicate powerful product and brand stories. We deliver our solutions on a turnkey basis from concept to completion.

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