

“I want to be part of Arlanda” – Stereoscape’s design sprint workshop in Arlanda

(last update 2 years ago)

Stereoscape’s Key Account Manager Jani Leskinen and Producer Rami Salle recently spent a day in Arlanda, Sweden. Commissioned by Swedavia, the Swedish state owned company owning, operating, and developing airports in Sweden, Jani and Rami were leading a one-day design sprint workshop. The mission of the workshop was to define ways to make future development of Arlanda area interesting and visible in a showroom.

Arlanda area will undergo massive development in the coming decades. How to make visible the long-term development that can only be seen after a long time, e.g. how will the area look like in 2020, 2030 or 2050? And yet, how to show the pulse of something new and big happening every day? Together with the participants Jani and Rami were looking into different solutions on how to show it and wow! it to different kinds of visitors. And solutions they found. Good data visualisation can show the everyday happenings in an interesting way. Augmented reality, in turn, can make the long-term development feel and look real in the current environment not just on paper.

“I want to be part of Arlanda”, was defined as the slogan for the showroom. We are looking forward to seeing the slogan come true in a showroom that makes everybody part of the development by making the future of Arlanda visible.

Interested in hearing more about design sprint workshops? Contact us

Stereoscape design sprint workshop in Arlanda 1

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