

Collaborative VR

(last update 2 years ago)

A new way of being present in the same reality – virtually. 

Check out our new collaborative VR demo.

Imagine working together side by side with you colleague, without even being on the same continent. Or having the best industry expert guide you through a difficult assembly from the other side of the world. Or having a guided walk-trough of a site, apartment, factory etc. with you in one place, your guide in another and the virtual site in a third location.

With the help of collaborative virtual reality all this is now possible.

See Stereoscape’s Creative Digitalist Antti Granqvist and CTO Ferhat Sen demonstrate this entirely new way of collaborating: Ferhat on the right and Antti on the left, both wearing VR headsets and working together without physically being in the same place; Antti using projection VR and being guided in assembly work by Ferhat wearing a VR headset; or the two of them having a walk-through of an apartment.

The demo was done in collaboration with our partner WorldViz, the industry leader in interactive virtual reality solutions for professional applications.

Read more about WorldViz’s Keith Russel’s thoughts about collaborative VR in our blog, or

book a demo at our showroom.

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