

Apple’s ARKit is making AR easy

(last update 2 years ago)

The biggest news in AR this summer was Apple’s release of ARKit; the revolutionary developer kit that lets developers build AR apps, which integrate digital experiences into the physical world via iPhone or iPad. Apple’s point-and-play AR makes it simple and easy for users to just go ahead and play with it. So simple that it is said to be killing an entire generation of AR businesses. The apps will be available for consumers with the release of iOS 11 already in September.

We at Stereoscape have been busy with ARKit during the summer. First apps are ready and waiting to be released. Do you want to see more? Come to Mainontapäivä on September 19th to see what we can do for your marketing and sales with ARKit.

Too impatient to wait untill September 19th? Check the teaser video and get in touch with us to hear more already today!

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