

WorldViz’s VR technology scales up

(last update 2 years ago)

WorldViz, the world leader in innovative enterprise-level VR solutions, has introduced Unity and Unreal Engine support for its “warehouse-scale” precision position tracking (PPT) system. The release brings the cutting-edge tracking technology to any VR headset supported by these games engines – Oculus Rift, HTC Vive, PlayStation VR, Samsung Gear VR, and also the recently announced Google Daydream VR platform.

WorldViz’s PPT technology can track up to 10 users or objects simultaneously in an area larger than 50 x 50 meters with real-time, sub-millimetre accuracy, allowing people to walk around in a lifelike virtual reality environment.

The hybrid optical-inertial PPT system includes high-precision cameras that capture position data at 240Hz; lightweight sensors that can be affixed to VR headsets or objects such as robots; a hand-held sensor “wand” for tracking hands; and a standalone software package. The system works with both projection-based systems and headset-based VR and is ideal for applications that require high degrees of precision and accuracy, movement, collaboration and co-presence, such as such as large-scale product design reviews, architectural and real-estate walk-throughs, and research and training applications.

The new Unity and Unreal Engine plugins will open up a whole new range of opportunities for VR content development for enterprise and entertainment applications as well as academic research – providing free-roaming VR experiences, where people can freely explore immersive virtual worlds.

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As an authorised reseller of WorldViz VR solutions in the EU, Stereoscape is happy to tell you more about the state-of-the-art WorldViz technology.

Contact us at: [email protected]

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