

Virtual tour of cleantech companies during Rio Olympics

(last update 7 years ago)

In collaboration with Cleantech Finland, Stereoscape brings together Cleantech Finland´s member company presentations on a multimedia, multitouch wall. The multimedia screen is a new way for Cleantech Finland to present its members in an interactive experience and increase visibility at events both in Finland and abroad. After being showcased at Vaasa Energy Week, the multitouch installation will engage visitors at the Finland House in Rio de Janeiro during the 2016 Summer Olympics. The Finland House will for the first time serve as a meeting point for business events and visitors at the Olympics. The venue is a stylish neoclassical building – a perfect place for a high-class digital attraction.

The 4 meter wide and 1.5 meter high multitouch video wall enables multiple persons to use the screen simultaneously and brands to tell their stories on multiple levels. From the screen view, it is possible to navigate through different industries to the presentation material of a specific company. The multimedia experience takes the audience on a tour of Finnish talent in the cleantech industry, whilst giving an opportunity to drill down into detailed information on a product level. For smaller and larger Finnish cleantech companies, it is a unique opportunity to present visually compelling, interactive product stories and get noticed in the hectic event environment!

More about Stereoscape’s interactive product storytelling solutions:

More about Finland House in Rio Olympics:

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