

Stereoscape at Wärtsilä´s stand in Nor-Shipping 2015, Oslo, Norway

(last update 10 years ago)

Wärtsilä launched the most efficient 4-stroke engine in the world at the Nor-Shipping 2015 exhibition in Oslo, Norway with the help of Stereoscape´s interactive engine presentation. Enabling Wärtsilä to launch the new Wärtsilä 31 engine in a way that captured the imagination of visitors as well as provided a detail-based view of the elements and features of the engine.

The interactive engine presentation enabled the 3D-viewing of the Wärtsilä 31 as well as rotation and zooming of the engine. These elements allowed visitors to dive deeper into the features of the engine. Additionally, the key benefits of the engine were highlighted so visitors could explore those via videos and afterwards obtain detailed information of the specified benefit with the help of the holographic look.

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