

Passionate about MultiTaction: the intuitive multi-user touch screen table

(last update 1 year ago)
Multitaction table with tokens of Dell

MultiTaction’s multi-user touch table is intuitive and easy to use, making it a perfect platform for interactive and gamified content. Stereoscape’s Creative Producer Turo Drakvik explains:

What is MultiTaction?

MultiTaction is a multi-user touch-screen table that can work as a visually engaging, interactive collaboration tool and an eye-catching way to present interactive content.

What’s so great about MultiTaction?

What makes MultiTaction different from the competition is its multi-user capability. Many people can simultaneously interact with the table and it works really well. Compared to many other solutions in the market, MultiTaction is intuitive, easy-to-use, and very reliable. 

Why use MultiTaction?

MultiTaction is a great way to grab attention at events and meetings. It’s a more interesting, fun and engaging way to present than a traditional, passive display.

Can you give an example of how Stereoscape is using MultiTaction?

Stereoscape has just collaborated with Dell to create content for the MultiTaction table for the Mobile World Congress in Barcelona. Visitors to Dell’s booth were able to use the touch table to move around physical game tokens resembling chess pieces. The touch table was a great way to grab attention and engage the exhibition visitors. 

Multitaction table with tokens of Dell describing open telecom ecosystem

How does MultiTaction work?

If you want to use the touch capabilities of the MultiTaction table, you can either create content using game engines such as Unity or MultiTaction’s own software. 

Canvus is MultiTaction’s whiteboard solution which can be used to sketch and make notes, whereas their Showcase software allows the creation of advanced touch screen presentations. 

What does Stereoscape bring to the table?

Stereoscape has years of experience in immersive marketing and communications. We create interactive and gamified concepts for our clients and can technically execute the vision. Everything we create is user-led, interactive and activating people to engage with the client’s content.

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Who else is using MultiTaction?

The international customer base of MultiTaction includes corporate heavyweights such as IBM, Toyota and KPMG. MultiTaction is also popular with educational institutions and research facilities.

I’m interested! How do I learn more?

Book a chat with Stereoscape’s creative producer Turo or request a free demo with our marketing expert Olli Kettunen.

Stereoscape is a leading Finnish immersive studio harnessing years of experience in gamification and interactive storytelling in the service of marketers, educators and other organisations.

MultiTaction develops collaboration tools that help people share ideas & solve problems. 

Stereoscape used MultiTaction solution for Dell because of the tactile, interactive user interface.

Read more about MultiTaction

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