How to inspire students to apply to surveying degrees, join the organisation and onboard new recruits?
An interactive, touch-controlled learning platform based on Windows 10. The bi-lingual, interactive environment introduces the workplace to potential and prospective employees through 3D models and animation, maps, video and text.
A visually engaging and inspiring way to explore surveying as a profession, and the Land Survey as a workplace.
PC-based offline platform. The solution is also downloadable by prospective employees and students that want to explore at their own pace.
A versatile training and onboarding tool used by brand ambassadors across Finland. The platform is flexible and can be updated with new content.
“Professional realisation. Exciting new technology. A well-run project.”
Pirkko Yliselä
Viestintäjohtaja Maanmittauslaitos
Stereoscape Oy
Hämeentie 135 A
00560 Helsinki, Finland
[email protected]