
Instruction Animation


Efla Oy is a leading manufacturer of high-quality AGL transformers, primary connectors, connector kits and prefabricated cable assemblies for aeronautical ground lighting. The products can be found in airports around the world.

The primary connectors are installed locally. As the language and literacy skills vary a lot from country to country relying solely on text based manuals is problematic. Efla was looking for a way to overcome the problem and effectively instruct the installation of its products around the globe.


The solution – animated 3D instruction

Stereoscape created an animated video that shows how the Efla primary connector is installed in a clear and visual way. Built from the existing CAD-models the 3D animation shows the primary connector  and its parts just as they are in real life instructing the installation in a way that leaves no room for misinterpretations.

The instruction animation is delivered online. It can also be downloaded and played offline.


The results – animation overcomes language barriers

Steroscape’s strong expertise in visual storytelling made it possible to visualize the installation process in an animation with the right rhythm and flow. The rhythm feels natural and the animation is easy to follow. No texts are needed and the video overcomes all language – and even literacy – barriers. The installation instructions are delivered clear and precise all around the globe.

These type of CAD-model visualisations are fairly straight forward. The animation is ready for delivery in just a few weeks from receiving the models from the customer.

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