

Stereoscape teams up with Intoware to transform the frontline workforce

(last update 2 years ago)

WorkfloPlus is a software-as-a-service (SaaS) digital platform that transforms paper-based human processes into simple to follow step-by-step work instructions accessible via mobile, desktop and wearables such as RealWear’s assisted reality (AR) voice operated headsets. 

The global workforce faces continuous demands for increased connectivity between workers, better work documentation, quality control and more efficient training. By partnering with Intoware, Stereoscape wants to ensure that Finnish enterprises have access to proven digital ‘tools’ to help optimise industrial processes”, comments Toni Hämäläinen, Stereoscape’s New Business Manager.

Informative assisted reality (AR) based instructions such as text, videos, pictures and checklists make it easier for employees to work. The quality of the job is improved because on-demand information makes sure every task is performed correctly and in the right order. Job assignment and scheduling features ensure the workforce is always on track with the work that needs to be done.

“It is my pleasure to announce that we can support frontline workers with innovative, easy to use product like WorkfloPlus. Stereoscape is known as the pioneer of 3D, virtual reality and further the versatile applications of using smart visual communication. This partnership with local support is an essential step in the digitalisation process for forward thinking companies”, says Heli Nelimarkka, Stereoscape, CEO.

“A key part of our strategy is growth through partnerships, in Stereoscape we see a partner that’s a real trailblazer, with proven experience and skills in bringing assisted reality and digitally connected solutions to enterprises so they can work faster and smarter.

“Deploying these now proven technologies is the next big step, helping businesses digitise legacy processes, so we are excited to be partnering with Stereoscape to bring WorkfloPlus to the Finnish market.” Said, Vince Galvin, Channel Sales Director, Intoware

Stereoscape designs and builds 3D- and XR-powered solutions that enable people to experience information in entirely new ways – so that they can understand more, learn faster and work smarter.

For more information, please contact

Toni Hämäläinen, New Business Manager, Stereoscape

+358 44 326 4212

[email protected]

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