

How does Augmented Reality increase real-world productivity?

(last update 2 years ago)

Augmented reality is one of PwC’s “Essential Eight” technologies (see article below). AR can help realise efficiencies in production and other operations. But getting started on AR may seem daunting: Does it really make sense? How long does it take? Is it too complex and expensive? With our German partner, RE’FLEKT, we offer two easy-to-use enterprise AR solutions that allow you to get hands-on with AR – leveraging your existing assets, starting small with affordable technology and scaling up with scalable platforms.

AR-enabled work instructions or remote support are a good place to start

Helping people work smarter

  • Step-by-step AR instructions overlaid on the physical world – at the right time and place – help your employees feel more confident, help them do their job right the first time and speed up learning on the job.
  • AR-enabled remote support connects your employees or customers with the right support expert, who “sees what they see”, can help diagnose problems and make notes or place visuals on the shared view – in real time and from wherever. 
Reflekt One - Oil-&-Gas-AR

REFLEKT ONE for AR-enabled step-by-step instructions

The scalable REFLEKT ONE platform enables you to create AR-powered visuals and guides on smartphones, tablets and smart glasses to simplify production, training, maintenance and repair. The advanced technology leverages existing design and documentation data to transform it into interactive 2D and 3D visualisations for real-time viewing on real objects. REFLEKT ONE integrates with existing IT infrastructures and is “IoT ready”.

REFLEKT REMOTE for AR-enabled remote support

With a single click, REFLEKT Remote connects technicians on site to the right support experts for real-time guidance through AR – via smartphone, tablet or smart glasses. The platform’s incident memory functionality enables you to build a database that provides technicians with access to issues already resolved to accelerate repair and maintenance. You can also brand the white label solution with your own corporate identity.

Reflekt Remote AR

AR is one of “essential eight” technologies

PwC analysed the business impact and commercial viability of more than 250 emerging technologies and condensed their findings into the “Essential Eight” – the core technologies that matter most for business, across every industry, over the next three to five years. AR is one the Essential Eight. By enhancing the real world with digital data, AR is a game-changing technology that can advance digital transformation. PwC has also estimated the value VR and AR may add to the economy by 2030 and provided a separate estimate for the Finnish economy.

ARVR GDP boost Finland PwC 2019

Read more:
Augmented Reality for industry-An interview with RE’FLEKT’s Gary Sheedy

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