

Immersive learning and training – Proscape product portfolio for industry 4.0

(last update 2 years ago)

In industry 4.0 where huge supply chains rely on the performance of each individual for operations to run smoothly, training and skills development is a prerequisite for successful business. With new generations entering the workforce and new technologies being introduced to already experienced workers, constant training of employees is a reality industrial companies have had to accept. Upgrades like automated production lines and complicated machine maintenance require constant onboarding, upskilling and safety training of personnel as they learn to work with ever advancing technologies. Fortunately solutions for success are plenty, offering cost effective and flexible, reusable digital experiences that ensure employees’ success in their work.

Safety training in laboratory

Industry 4.0 both creates the demand and supplies the solutions for increased employee training. By using XR solutions in training, companies are able to develop their training applications from passive memorization to active experiences. Results for the new ways of training speak for themselves: at its best practical experience improves retention by 75%, decreases amounts of mistakes by 40% and speeds up training for as much as 80%, according to Accenture. By using XR in creating practical training, companies can easily simulate actual work environments with low costs and high reusability. Cost efficient solutions that can guarantee a 10-20% improvement in both training time and results are an investment that gives any company a competitive edge in their market.

Practical custom solutions

Proscape product family enables improved training and learning across the board. Covering onboarding, safety training and continuous improvement of employee skills, we offer a holistic end-to-end service for your training needs. Leveraging newest technologies and our excellent design team, we plan and execute your visions of a better trained workforce.

Interactive learning solution with hotspots

Proscape uses a variety of features to ensure the quality of your practical training application. Multilayered, interactive solutions enable presentation of extensive amounts of information at once while 3D and immersive elements improve knowledge retention. Real-time interaction, multi-user experiences in shared virtual environments, and bite-sized content are just some of the features to support active, experiential and self-paced learning. Gamified features help capture and maintain the attention of the learner. In addition, having fun is proven to increase one’s ability to learn faster and remember longer.

What use cases are Proscape solutions intended for?

  • For new recruits, offering an overview on a large whole and introducing the worker to your organization.
    • Interactive multilayer presentations for self-paced exploration
  • For avoiding costly incidents and protecting priceless human lives
    • VR and 360 simulations enable the creation of hazardous situations safely and cost efficiently.
  • For helping to keep up a flexible workforce that can easily learn new work methods via dynamic presentations
    • Switch flat 2D presentations to clear step-by-step 3D or AR demonstrations, or immersive VR simulations.

All the solutions leverage multimedia communication and our expert knowledge on user experience design. Our years of experience ensure that you get the best end-to-end solution possible. We will guide your way from need definition to final delivery of a tailored training solution.

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