

Mixing realities in 3D holographic displays

(last update 3 years ago)

Holographic displays can provide realistic 3D animations that help customer understand complex information faster and remember it more effectively. This text makes you familiar with many benefits of holographic technology.

To make the impossible possible. That is one of my favourite phrases when talking about augmented, virtual or mixed reality. Many of our customer cases serve as great evidence of this. Taking you underwater to see how a propulsion system of a ship works, making you ”see” the invisible, or making it possible for you to pack a whole house with all its design furniture and objects into a simple box to travel around the world with. By doing this, our smart product communication solutions help people understand more about products to make more confident purchase decisions or to work smarter, learn faster and collaborate more effectively.

At exhibitions and trade fairs, the queues to experience the digital realities – still novelties in many ways – are often long and create a good buzz at your stand. Visitors donning AR, VR or MR headsets are instantly amazed: The depth of the experience is unrivalled; creating powerful engagement, impact and emotions. But the number of headsets available limits the number of visitors you can engage.


When you need to reach wider audiences – the thousands of passers-by – 3D holographic displays are an alternative worth considering. Such displays, like Dreamoc XL3 or the new DeepFrame from our partner Realfiction, can provide realistic 3D visualisations with unique perspectives and a captivating sense of depth. Content that appears to be floating in mid-air is an eye-catcher and visible to the naked eye by anyone within a viewing distance. Many of the displays also allow you to place physical items inside the display, enabling a mix of real and digital.

We recently created a series of 3D animations for large holographic displays to showcase a client’s products in large trade fairs. In real life, the products are used thousands of meters under the earth’s surface. With 3D holographic displays the products and their unique features and benefits could be shown in a very effective way: visually outstanding, highly informative and inherently interesting. And most importantly, they could be shown to large groups of people at the same time.


In a world where “VR can take you anywhere and AR can bring anything to you” just showing your content in a display might seem like a step backwards. In my opinion, it is rather a “sidestep with bonuses”. Firstly, it is possible to add touch or gesture control to involve your audience in interaction: Viewers change the content; see your products from different angels etc. Secondly, it is another medium for people to interface with 3D content – along with AR, MR and VR – putting your digital assets in efficient use.

Once created, the same photorealistic 3D model of your product can be utilized for different purposes – not only in marketing and sales, but also for other product communication needs across the product lifecycle. In the realm of marketing, you need some clever creative storytelling on top of the 3D model to catch the audience attention and let them learn about your product in a condensed format, while conveying a lot of complex information in an easy-to-understand manner – a common dilemma in the communication of industrial products and services, which is what we specialise in.


When you need to engage large numbers of viewers in a short time, a holographic display could be the right solution for you. But it definitively doesn’t mean that you have to exclude the new digital reality tools from events and exhibitions. On the contrary. Once you have caught the attention of the masses with your holographic display, one short conversation is enough to scan the ones with true interest and business potential. And what would be a better way to deepen their interest than an in-depth experience – be it VR, AR or MR – that allows them truly immerse in your product or service?

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